Today I want to show you simple crocheted sleeves, which I made a couple of weeks ago.
Such sleeves are a perfect solution if you like wearing light clothes, such as tank tops and keep your arms warm in the same time.
They can be a unique addon to everyday outfit or a fancy detail for a medieval, steampunk or fantasy inspired costume.
For this project I used Red Hearts Bella acrylic yarn, but if you want to make a lighter, more lacy version of these sleeves, you can use cotton yarn.

For a base of a sleeve you can use any crocheted pentagon, just make sure it's big enough to wrap your wirst. Sew the opposite edges together, using mattress stitch.
Continue your work simply adding rows and working around until you get a desired length of your sleeve.
In this post I don't present a full, precise tuturial.
I just want to share a few tips regarding my project.
The type of stitch, patterns and decorations are up to you.
I like simple, geometric motifs and contrasting colours, so I made a black, white, blue pair for myself.

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