More and more bracelets

Hello. It's me again. I made a few more bracelets, to have matching accessories for my favourite sets of clothes.

One more to go. I started working on purple bracelet. Maybe I will also make something indigo, dark blue too.
I know these are very simple things, but I enjoy making them and even more I enjoy wearing them, they are perfect for summer, they look good with dresses, jeans, colourful tunics and with black.
Cause everything looks good with black, right?
Enjoy your weekend everyone and see you soon!

Malachite and metal beads bracelet

Today something totally, totally different.
A simple bracelet, made of malachite and metal beads.
I just needed something matching my green linen summer dress.

I really like this type of bracelets, they are flexible and universal size, easy to wear and remove. I think I will make a few more in different colours and styles.

Rainy Dress, dyed at home

I love white clothes. I love them as long as they remain clean and white.
But this state changes quickly. Usually first washing is enough to turn your snowy white dress or shirt into something that you want to throw away, especially if you are such clumsy being as myself. Accidents happen, you know.
However, this time it really wasn't my fault.
I got this pretty, delicate white summer dress some years ago. 
And this year I wanted to wear it, but I noticed it slightly changed colour. It wasn't white anymore, it had some weird brownish stains, which after washing turned grey.
I didn't want to throw the whole thing out, so I decided to experiment a little with cloth dyes. Well, I had nothing to lose.

You can see the result on the pictures below.

My summer dress, before and after

I know, the original white one was pretty, but I think the dyeing/painting effects are very interesting and I will be able to white the blue dress more often.

And that's all for today. Thank you for fisiting and see you soon!

Something different - Macramé

Greetings after another very long break.
I still can't find time for crocheting and publishing pictures of my crochet creations.
I miss crafting and blogging very much.

Today, for a change, I would like to present you some of the pieces made by my friend, who is an artist and art teacher.
Katarzyna Wieczorkiewicz Wójcik graduated from Maire Curie - Sklodowska University  (Institute of Artistic Education) and she's been working as an instructor of occupational therapy for over 25 years, teaching painting, drawing, sculpting, macrame and batik techniques.

This big piece was made of sisal rope and large wooden beads. It took my friend many months to finish it.

And one more macrame made of dyed sisal and beads.

Bellow I present you several pictures of smaller pieces made by Katarzyna and her students from the Occupational Therapy Workshop.

Together they made about 50 macrame pieces. Ech one was given to mothers and guardians as a present for Mother's Day.
Macrame isn't a very difficult technique to learn, but it requires much patience and precision. 
If you want to learn more about the technique itself or order such nice and unique piece of art, feel free to post a comment and ask us a question or contact us using the form available on main page.

Thank you for visiting and see you soon!

Round yellow doily

Greetings everyone after a super long break from blogging. 
Unfortunatelly, due to some serious real life problems and unexpected changes I also had to stop crocheting and creating new projects. The thing I want to show you today was made almost 2 years ago. I usually don't make doilies. This was an exception, but I completely forgot I made it.
I found it recently during packing and cleaning before moving to my new base.
So here it is, bright, spring and Easter themed round doily.

I found the pattern in old Italian magazine.

My doily is made of cotton and rather big, diameter precisely 80 cm.

Cute and fancy border, requires proper ironing.

And that's all for today. Thanks for dropping by.
Have a warm and pleasant spring everyone and see you soon!